Are You Eating Your Way to Tooth Loss?

If you have unexplained tooth loss, it could be a sign that you aren’t eating the right foods for a healthy mouth and body. When you eat foods that tend to cause inflammation in your system, the potential to harm your immune system and oral health increases. This, in turn can cause tooth decay and tooth loss.

Pro-inflammatory diets consist of an imbalance of the following foods:

  • Refined sugar, specifically high fructose corn syrup and variations of the artificial sweetener
  • Vegetable and seed oils
  • Over processed meats
  • Excessive alcohol
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Artificial trans fats

These foods, especially in unhealthy amounts (or more often than not) can lead to a host of inflammatory diseases including, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, periodontitis, and more. Periodontitis is associated specifically with your mouth, typically called gum disease – it will ravage your mouth with redness, bleeding while brushing your teeth, and it could eventually lead to the loosening or total loss of your teeth.

If you’re looking to prevent or reverse inflammation, diet changes can be made and should be encouraged. An anti-inflammatory cuisine includes foods that are rich in vitamin D, fiber, Omega-3 fatty acids, green and black tea.

Anti-inflammatory diets consist of a balance of the following foods:

  • Berries
  • Avocados
  • Fatty Fish
  • Broccoli
  • Peppers
  • Turmeric
  • Tomatoes
  • Dark chocolate and cocoa
  • Grapes
  • Mushrooms
  • Tomatoes
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

You know the basics about sugary snacks and how they can cause detriment to your oral and physical health, but that is not all you should be looking out for. Rebuild your health by creating a plan for balance and a plan that is sustainable. Adding anti-inflammatory foods and reducing the harmful over-processed foods will keep your teeth in good shape and your overall health is sure to improve. Talk to your dentist if you have concerns about tooth loss and you can discuss the solutions or any preventative measures that they recommend.