Teeth Aligners: Direct-to-Consumer, too Risky?

Over the years there has been an increase in the dental products such as teeth aligners shipped directly to consumers versus through a certified dental practitioner. The majority of these products are for teeth alignment to improve a smile. Is it wise to trust your oral health to a customer service representative? When issues arise you may not receive the kind of care that you would from your dentist. You will likely get the customer service that you paid for at a discounted rate.

Dentists and orthodontists are vital to treating your smile. Short cuts are not really a good idea. Dental professionals use x-rays, diagnostic records, and oral health checks to make sure that the solutions you use are applicable to the specific state of your jaw, tooth, and gum health.

What are the Risks?

Sure, the DIY direct shipping option is a time and money saver, but only when you are looking at the initial purchase. Once you receive your aligner, you will likely have a slightly imperfect match, to say the least. These misalignments will cause damage that will almost definitely cost you more money and time at the orthodontist or dentist. Therefore, it is unlikely you will have any savings in the end.

Check with a Professional, or Buyer Beware!

  • Tooth or bone loss
  • Tooth or gum trauma
  • Chipped teeth
  • Misaligned bite
  • Fractured teeth

When you order direct for alignment products they are only based on the visible tooth. The customization is incomplete when your jaw, oral health, and bone strength. Even tooth size discrepancies are not considered. Ignoring these factors could cause trauma to the jaw and affect your bite to the point of tooth movement outside of the bone.

When it comes to smile correction, work with your provider from the beginning of the process. Unlike an at-home treatment purchased online, teeth aligners provided by a dental provider will let you receive continuous support when any issues come to light.